Rechargeable LED camping lantern-Trekking pole stash

Pack Version Shrike / Sass V3.2 Sass V3.0 & V3.1

Stow your trekking poles on-the-fly by installing a pole stash on either, or both, shoulder straps.

Available in two versions; one is compatible with the Shrike and Sassafras Version 3.2 while the other is compatible with Sassafras Versions 3.0 and 3.1. Both have multiple configurations possible, though more with Version 3.2. Be sure to experiment with various configurations to find the most comfortable and safest mounting position for your poles (see Warning below).

For Shrike & Sassafras V3.2
  • Weight: 5.5g | 0.19 oz
  • Easy installation. Simply girth hitch one end to the daisy chain on your shoulder strap.
For Sassafras V3.0 & 3.1
  • Weight: 5.1g | 0.18 oz
  • Only the parts are supplied. You will need to tie all knots and install yourself (see Installation tab)

To use on Shrike & Sassafras V3.2
  1. Stash your poles by wrapping either the upper or lower cord around your poles and clipping to the daisy chain. Cinch it down.
  2. Wrap the other cord around the poles and cinch down.
  3. Verify that the poles sit in a way that doesn't expose you to injury should you fall.
To use on Sassafras V3.0 & 3.1
  1. Stash your poles by slipping the tip ends through the bottom loop.
  2. Wrap the upper cord around the poles near their handles and clip the cord off to the shoulder strap.
  3. Cinch each cord.
  4. Verify that the poles sit in a way that doesn't expose you to injury should you fall.

Warning: Severe injury or death is possible. Verify and use your judgement to determine if the poles are positioned in a safe way. Cover your pole tips, or make sure the tips are not situated such that impalement could occur during use or a fall. Experiment with different cord routing and placement of the poles to find the best fit, and note that items in the shoulder strap pockets may change how the poles sit. Often, small changes can shift the poles in a way to reduce risk. Our instructions reflect the approach that we've found best for us, but different body types and different poles may benefit from different approaches. If you are unable to find a safe configuration, please contact us.

This video shows an out-of-date pole stash, but much of the process is similar.


Shrike & Sassafras V3.2

  1. For each cord, girth hitch the looped end to the daisy chain on your shoulder strap.
  2. Clip the hook end to a different point on the daisy chain.

Sassafras V3.0 & 3.1

Lower securement point
  1. Tie the longer (12") length of shock cord to the webbing loop above the d-ring at the bottom of the shoulder strap.
    We recommend a bowline knot.
  2. Pass the free end of cord through the webbing used to attach the d-ring.
  3. Thread the cord through the squeeze lock (the one without a hook).
  4. Thread the cord through the webbing loop located below the d-ring.
  5. Tie a knot in the end of the cord.
    An overhand knot is sufficient, though a larger knot may be easier to grab when in use.
Upper securement point
  1. Tie the shorter (10") length of shock cord to the webbing loop located on the inner edge of the shoulder strap, just above the main pocket.
    We recommend a bowline knot.
  2. Thread the cord through the squeeze lock (the one with a hook).
  3. Tie a knot in the end of the cord.
    An overhand knot is sufficient, though a larger knot may be easier to grab when in use.
  4. Clip the hook to the loop of shock cord located on the outer side of the shoulder strap at the top edge of the main pocket.