A very reliable cool box with a molding handle for transporting. The ice box comes with wheels to carry around easily.
- Easy Portable Ice Box Cooling Storage
- Works best when you keep cooled products / drinks with ice cubes or frozen bags or freezing packages.
- It is designed with two durable wheels and telescopic steel handles and is ideal for long-term travel travel, is ideal for food and beverage transportation around the camp, sports events and festival sites.
- Channel channel leakage for easy drain without inclination of cooler;
- Cooling time for 3 days
- We are interested in your safety. The cool interior of the box is free to wear food, cold drinks and fruit because it is free of charge (for adjusting the EU Food EN 12456)
- Ice Box Size (External / Inside): 66 x 46 x 44/51 x 34 x 36 cm; Weight 7 kg; Material (external / interior): HDPE, BPA free; PU isolation foam; Capacity 47 L; Ice Hold: 3 days