Soft-sided camping cooler chest-Camp Church Banner Print

Size 6 X 10 10 X 17
Each Sunday morning, three banners are hung in our gym for church. Campers & staff help create a simple setting to transform our gym from a place to play to a place to worship. These serve as the main backdrop and a reminder of John 14:6. The Way…the path, The Truth…the lamb & the cross, The Life…the river.

The banners were designed and created by artists Susan & Daniel Kelly. 
With many connections to camp, the mountain and the Breazeales, Daniel was a camper in the 80’s with Glenn & his brother. Susan was a camp counselor with Carter and has been an art instructor at our moms’ retreat. During one of those weekends, Susan, with the help of retreat attendees, painted the banners. They have now used the linoleum blocks from the original design to make a triptych print. They reside in Raleigh, North Carolina with their son and daughter.

It is Glenn and Carter’s prayer that boys will carry what the have learned at camp and continue “to grow in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man” long after they have left the gates of camp. They hope that these prints will not only remind campers of Sundays at camp but also of who Jesus is.